Vision, Mission and Objective


Becoming a Leading and Excellent School of Computer Science in Coordinator of Private Higher Education Institutions around Indonesia to produce professional workforce in computer science industry that meet industry and community needs in global competition in 2024.



1.      Organizing education, research and community service and achieving academic excellence to produce professionals in Computer Science sector and graduates who meet the required work quality standards. 2.      Applying effective and efficient higher education management, as well as developing a network of cooperation with industry and sustainable partnerships in response to current changes and global competitive3.      Developing competence and developing entrepreneurial spirit and professional ethics for students towards improving the quality of life



  1. Having national identity (Pancasila) spirit, have national insight, have integrity (in thoughts, words and deeds, honesty and commitment), and apply professional ethics in carrying out their duties and responsibility in the world of work and community
  2. Having knowledge, ability and persistent work attitude (not easily giving up), completing, building teamwork, to manage and produce communication programs by developing cultural and local wisdom insights and studies.
  3. Having knowledge and analytical thinking skills, critical for conducting studies or research in the field of informatics and information systems in order to enrich and develop theories, methods and information technology.
  4. Having entrepreneurship spirit, open, creative, innovative and adaptive nature, and a desire for life-long learning, in Computer Science sector
  5. Having good academic ability to continue to higher levels of formal education (Master and Doctoral degree) in Computer Science
  6. Applying their expertise and utilize science and technology in solving problems and being able to adapt to any situations
  7. Mastering theoretical concepts in certain fields of knowledge in general and theoretical concepts in a specific section in the field of knowledge, and able to formulate the settlement of procedural problems
  8. Making the right decisions based on analysis of information and data, and able to provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions independently and in groups.
  9. Being responsible for the work and can be given responsibility for achieving the organizational goals.
  10. Producing graduates who are capable of achieving national, regional and international levels in global competition.